Redeeming the Time
Author: Hasani Daniel Makhubele
Redeeming the Time advocates for people to identify their God-given purpose and steadfastly pursue it. So many people have gone to their graves without utilizing their God given talents making the graveyards the richest spot on Earth. Tracing the whereabouts of people we grew up with you will realize that amongst the many talented people you grew up with, there are those that made it in life and those that lost the plot. Those that made it are very interesting species though. This is that species that deny adding to the wealth of the cemetery. Remember that you can’t find until you define! They realize that pursuit of a God-given purpose does not necessarily mean absence of hurdles in one’s life.
In order to make sure that we die empty as this book advocates, the church is one of the most perfect platforms to help mankind see their God-given purpose and pursue it. Indeed, we all should strive to ensure that we go to the graveyard empty-handed. Deprive the cemetery of what God sent you to serve this generation with…