by theagency | Apr 8, 2015
Called Out, Poems, Prose and Stories Author: Lindi Mlandu In this collection of her poems Lindelwa Dianah Mlandu, also known as Lindi, opens a new world of inspiration, motivation, revelation and lifetime wisdom for readers of all cultural backgrounds, Reading this...
by theagency | Apr 8, 2015
Enthralled Author: Jessica McCarter Jessica McCarter was born in Cape Town and educated in Johannesburg before proceeding to Groote Schuur Hospital to train as a general nurse in 1964. She is married to Ed whose civil engineering background took the family to various...
by theagency | Apr 8, 2015
Pavement Encounters for Justice Author: Mashau TD, Kritzinger JNJ (Eds) “Doing Transformative Missiology with homeless people in the City of Tswane” is the first book in a series entitled “Meal of Peace Series”. It has been written within the context of...
by theagency | Apr 8, 2015
Christian Family Author: Dr Meshack Van Wyk The family is the basic building block of society. Of these societies that have degraded the importance of a family, a few have survived more than a generation. But those that have held marriage and family in high regard...
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